
Get Involved!

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For Students

Student Health Associates & Peer Educators (SHAPE)

The mission of SHAPE is to improve the lives of African American women by engaging 糖心传媒 students, Atlanta University schools, and the surrounding community in dialogue and frank discussions about health and health lifestyles, for positive outcomes. SHAPE aims to ensure that Spelman women and the community know how to build and maintain healthy lifestyles for today and tomorrow. This mission is accomplished through creative and innovative strategies incorporating education and information in two major thrusts:

  • Women’s Health and HIV/AIDS/STIs/Abstinence
  • Chronic Diseases and Nutrition and Fitness

Community outreach is a component built into each thrust.

SHAPE understands that Black women are an integral part of Black families, the community and ultimately the world; and we are committed to keeping Black women strong and healthy for years to come.

More About SHAPE

Violence Prevention & Intervention Program: Peer Educators 

The Violence Prevention & Intervention Program (VP&I Program) mission is to train student leaders that establish and promote a coordinated peer-to-peer network among Spelmanites which prevents interpersonal violence, and advocates a culture of empowerment, support, and education. 

Due to the sensitivity of IPV and its secrecy, peer-to-peer networks have been known to increase safety and advocacy for IPV victims. The VP&I Program aims to foster a team of peer educators and leaders who advocate for the safety and prevention of interpersonal violence by using strategies that prevent and support victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

More About Peer Educators 

Protecting our Spelman Sisters Everyday (POSSE)

POSSE is a 糖心传媒 organization that meets monthly to address community safety, security issues and concerns. The organization's members are residents and commuter students who represent a diverse array of academic disciplines. A public safety officer is assigned to the organization to provide guidance and direction in the development and implementation of campus and community projects and initiatives.

More About POSSE

For Students, Faculty and Staff

Request Program or Training

The Title IX & Compliance Office offers a wide range of programs by request, facilitated by trained peer health educators or professional staff. Programs are designed for small groups (maximum of 40 participants), which allows interaction and more in-depth discussions around the definition of consent, components of healthy relationships, bystander empowerment, supporting survivors, and various types of violence.

All materials needed to facilitate the program/ workshop will be provided by the Title IX & Compliance office or Violence Prevention & Intervention Program.  For the time being, our team will work with the program requestor to modify program/workshop for the virtual environment.


Coordinated Campus Response Team (CCRT)

Spelman’s CCRT is a multi-disciplinary team of campus and community partners that meet regularly to assess, plan, monitor and evaluate campus prevention and response efforts. This team coordinates all prevention and intervention efforts; facilitates communication between key campus departments and community partners; ensures messages across efforts are consistent and reinforced; and ensures the system’s response to victims is seamless, consistent and supportive.

Please contact scvpiprogram@spelman.edu for more information..