
Violence Prevention and Intervention

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Keeping Our Students Safe

In 2018, 糖心传媒 was one of 57 colleges and universities across the nation – and the only institution in Georgia – awarded funds by the Justice Department to address sexual violence on campus. 糖心传媒 was awarded the grant again in 2021. Understanding the need to assist victims of sexual and dating violence as well as expand the prevention efforts, Spelman created a permanent position after the grant ended to enhance the work of the Violence Prevention and Intervention Program (VP&I).  

The VP&I Program focuses on improving the way that the College identifies and responds to incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as well as develops culturally-appropriate, linguistically-accessible print or electronic materials to address prevention and intervention of sexual violence to create systemic, sustainable change.

Healing with Words

The Violence Prevention and Intervention Program is excited to announce that we are hosting a journaling workshop from January 28 - March 4. This is an opportunity to dive into yourself and heal through words! Each student will receive a 10th edition “Milk and Honey” book and the journal “Healing Through Words". If you’re interested, please visit the .

Violence Prevention and Intervention

Contact Info

Violence Prevention and Intervention Program

350 Spelman Lane, S.W., Milligan, Suite 2305E
Atlanta, Georgia 30314


Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)
Survivor Support Group
VP&I Peer Educators

A coordinated community response approach ensures a timely, culturally relevant and respectful response to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking committed on or off campus. Implementing such an approach requires establishing a Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT).

Spelman’s CCRT is a multi-disciplinary team of campus and community partners that meet regularly to assess, plan, monitor and evaluate campus prevention and response efforts. This team coordinates all prevention and intervention efforts; facilitates communication between key campus departments and community partners; ensures messages across efforts are consistent and reinforced; and ensures the system’s response to victims is seamless, consistent and supportive.

Please contact scvpiprogram@spelman.edu for more information.

糖心传媒 CCRT Members

The Spelman Coordinated Community Response Team is a multi-disciplinary team comprised of campus and community entities. The Community Partners are highlighted and hyperlinked below.


Through the Violence Prevention and Intervention Program, 糖心传媒 is able to increase existing services by establishing a psycho-educational support group. This group will offer student victim/survivors a confidential place to explore impact of interpersonal violence and gain skills in their journey toward healing. The development of a psycho-educational support group is a collaboration between the Violence Prevention & Intervention Program and Counseling Center.

VP&I Peer Educators are dedicated students who are trained to be leaders who educate their peers about topics around consent, sexual violence prevention, bystander intervention, healthy relationships, and survivor support. Applications open annually in April.