Spelman Student Health Services is located in historic MacVicar Hall. We hope you will take full advantage of the services we offer. We want to help you stay healthy throughout your academic course here at Spelman. Students enrolled must present a current valid Spelman ID before receiving service.
The Department of Student Health Services works to help each student achieve maximum physical health for full participation in the educational experiences offered by the College.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of health care and health education to our students. The Department of Student Health Services works to help each student achieve maximum physical health for full participation in the educational experiences offered by the College. We are committed to providing the highest quality of health care and health education to our students. Click below to access the New First-time medical requirements.
Medical Authorization Release Form
Did you know that the Department of Health Services is staffed by medical professionals and offers a variety of offerings including a clinical laboratory, health education, consultant services, immunizations and flu shots, nutrition counseling, women's health clinic services, diagnostic services, travel clinic services and much more.
All first-time incoming students must meet the medical requirements before moving into campus housing or registering for classes. These medical requirements include a physical exam by a medical provider, mandatory immunization requirements, a TB questionnaire and an authorization to treat form.
The Department of Student Health Services operates by scheduled appointments. To schedule an appointment, simply dial 404-270-5249 or stop by the clinic’s front desk. In many cases, same-day appointments are available. Appointments are available between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Medical Excuses
The Department of Student Health Services does not provide medical excuses unless the student is first seen in The Student Health Services Department. The medical providers will evaluate the student and determine if a medical excuse is needed. If the student needs to be out for an extended period, the Office of Undergraduate Studies will be contacted and faculty will be alerted.
The Department of Student Health Services is available to handle emergencies during hours of operation. If the injured/ill person can come to the Health Services Department, they should do so. If the ill/injured person is unable to come to Health Services, they should contact Public Safety at 404-525-6401.
Student Health Services is partnering with Morehouse School of Medicine Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC) to offer extended hours on Mondays and Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. To schedule an appointment with the SHWC during the time noted above call 404-756-1241.
Student Health Services also has a nurse advice line that is available to students after hours and on weekends for medical concerns. To reach the nurse advice line call 800-244-7396. For severe injuries/illnesses, students should go directly to the nearest emergency room. If you reside on campus, and you are experiencing a medical emergency contact public safety at 404-525-6401.
The following hospitals are in the local area: