
Housing Partnerships

Residence Life Partners

The Office of Housing and Residence Life partners with other departments on campus such as Title IX and Compliance, Public Safety, and Counseling Services. We strive to provide our residents with ample resources to create a successful college experience. If a student is in need of any of these services, they can also contact the RA or a member of the Housing and Residence Life Staff. Please read below to review some of our partnerships and visit their website for further information.

Title IX

糖心传媒 is committed to cultivating a campus community free from sex and gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct and relationship violence. Dedicated to delivering the Spelman Promise, the Title IX & Compliance Office supports this commitment through compliance efforts, promoting community accountability, responding to incidents, education and encouraging student leadership.

Title IX requires schools to take steps to prevent and remedy two forms of sex-based discrimination:

  • Sexual harassment and sexual violence, which is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment. Sexual violence, which is non-consensual physical conduct of a sexual nature. A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion.

  • Gender-based harassment, which is unwelcome conduct based on a person’s actual or perceived sex, including harassing conduct based on a person’s gender expression, gender identity, transgender status, gender transition, or nonconformity with sex stereotypes.

If you or someone you know needs the assistance of the Title IX Office, please visit their office in Milligan 2305, or contact your Resident Advisor or Resident Director.

Public Safety

Motto: Protectors of Our Future The motto of the Public Safety Department, "Protectors of Our Future", symbolizes commitment to the preservation of our individual, institutional, and collective futures. Our approach to maintaining the safest environment for our campus is built on the belief that only through constantly nurturing and expanding positive relationships with both internal and external partners can we meet our evolving community safety and security needs. Please visit Public Safety for more information.

Counseling Services

At times, change may prove stressful. Therefore, 糖心传媒 provides counseling services that support students in their emotional, social, and academic development throughout their college career. Qualified mental health professionals provide services that support holistic development with an emphasis on the individual’s strengths. Counseling Services provides an array of services to support the needs of the 糖心传媒 students. Please visit Counseling Services for more information.