
Residence Hall Closing

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Spring 2025 Closing Information

The Office of Housing and Residence Life thanks you for staying with us during the 2024-2025 academic year and wish you a safe and enjoyable summer!

All residential students are expected to depart campus within 24 hours after their last final. As finals end on May 9, 2025, all resident students should plan to vacate their on-campus residence on May 10, 2025, by 12 p.m., unless they have received approval from the Office of Housing and Residence Life to stay late.

For students approved to stay late, all campus residence halls close no later than 12 p.m., on May 19, 2025, for students approved to stay late (this includes commencement participants and graduates). Please note: additional in-depth information will be provided at the mandatory residence hall closing meetings.

New Student Orientation

Residence Hall Student Questions


If you have additional questions, please review the Residential Move-out FAQ section below and/or contact your Resident Director.

Question 1: How early may I leave for the summer?
You may leave for summer as soon as your academic requirements are complete. If you depart when classes/finals are in session, your academic progress may be impacted. Please consult your instructors for information regarding any intended absence from in-person instruction and/or examination(s). When you do depart campus, please ensure that you follow the instructions outlined during the closing building meetings.

Question 2: If I lost my express checkout envelope, can I get another one?
Residential students should check with their Resident Director to see if additional express checkout envelopes are available.

Question 3: Can my family/visitors come into the residence hall after April 30 to help me pack?
No. Anyone who would like to assist you with packing is welcome into the residence hall during visitation hours. Visitation ends on April 30, at 11:45 p.m.

Question 4: When can I get assistance to move already packed items out of the residence hall?
If before April 30, anytime during visitation hours. If after April 30, already packed and ready-to-move items can be picked up between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Please remember that those assisting must actively move already-packed items out of the hall.

Departure Information

General Residence Hall Departure Instructions

Step 1: If you have not done so, contact you instructors to learn your finals schedule.

Step 2: Begin packing your items as soon as possible. If needed, family/visitors can assist residents with packing during visitation hours. Once visitation ends, on April 30, no one will be allowed into the halls to assist residents with packing. Please plan accordingly.

Step 3: If prior to May 10 and May 19, you plan to use a moving company to store items for the summer or ship your belongings, residents must notify their Resident Director at least 48 hours in advance by email of the date and time the company will pick up the resident’s items. Please note that residents must always escort the moving company in and out of the residence hall.

Step 4: On the day of the resident’s departure, you are to ensure the following steps have been followed:

  • Residence hall students should unplug, defrost, empty, and clean any personal/College-provided fridge.

  • BDT Suites residents should empty and clean the College-provided full-size refrigerator and leave it plugged in.

  • Deposit all trash and perishables in the proper receptacles in the trash and recycling areas/dumpsters. Do not place trash in the hallways and/or outside residents’ doors at any time.

  • Remove ALL personal belongings. Double-check all drawers, closets, and under furniture to ensure personal items have been removed. Per the Housing Lease, students are responsible for removing all personal property prior to vacating the residence hall. If the student fails to do so, the College shall have the right to immediately re-enter the room and remove all personal belongings therein, without liability. Any items left in your room after you depart will be considered abandoned and will be discarded without reimbursement.

  • Thoroughly clean your room / suite.

  • Lock your door.

  • Turn in your key(s) in utilizing the express checkout process:

    • Using the express check out envelope that will be provided by your Resident Advisor, complete the information on the envelope and turn your key in using the envelope at the designated area in your residence hall (see locations below). Failure to return your key will result in a fee. Keys may not be mailed back to the College to avoid this fee.

  • Check for any remaining mail and packages in the mail center.

  • Change your address with USPS and any frequently used vendors (if applicable).