
糖心传媒 Glee Club Celebrates Centennial Anniversary, Honors Dr. Joyce Johnson During Annual Christmas Carol Alumnae Brunch

Hours before the 98th Annual Christmas Concert at 糖心传媒 on Saturday, Glee Club members past and present reunited for the Annual Christmas Carol Alumnae Brunch. The alumnae gathered to recognize the Glee Club's centennial anniversary, celebrate the Class of 2025 and honor Dr. Joyce Johnson, professor emerita of music and college organist at Spelman for almost 70 years.

Dr. Joyce Johnson Accepts Award

On behalf of the Glee Club, Dr. Joyce Johnson received the Centennial Award for her timeless dedication and musical excellence as organist for the Spelman-Morehouse Christmas Carol Concerts. Throughout the course of the brunch, the alumnae showered Dr. Joyce Johnson with flowers, applause and gratitude for her outstanding leadership and commitment to social justice and advocacy over the course of her career.

“A woman of unparalleled fortitude, vision and grace, Dr. Joyce Johnson is not just part of Spelman’s history, she is Spelman’s living legacy. Her impact transcends the classroom, the concert halls and even the organ bench,” said Dr. Paula Grissom-Broughton, C’97, assistant professor of music at Spelman. “She has redefined what it means to exist and thrive as a Black woman in academia, particularly in the field of music – a space that has not always made room for voices like hers.”

Talitha Malone Accepts AwardIn addition to honoring Dr. Johnson, the Glee Club announced the recipients of two esteemed awards at the brunch. Talitha Malone, C’2003, received the We Are Christmas Award, named after the original song written by soloist Sarah Stephens Benibo and Spelman Glee Club Director Dr. Kevin Johnson. Lauren English-Robinson, instructor of music at Spelman, was announced as the recipient of the Pearl of Wisdom Award, which she received following the evening’s concert.

In celebration of the centennial, Dr. Kevin Johnson delivered a powerful keynote that spoke to the impact and perseverance of the Glee Club over its 100-year history. In his keynote, Dr. Kevin Johnson also honored Dr. Joyce Johnson by sharing kind words and heart-warming anecdotes that told the story of her dedication to the College. He also acknowledged the hard work of the Glee Club’s centennial Class of 2025 and offered well wishes as they embark on their journey to becoming alumnae.

“When you see the Glee Club, you see Black hope, you see Black strength, you see Black excellence,” said Dr. Kevin Johnson. “That’s the gift we are to this world. We’re hope, we’re future, we’re present.”