350 Spelman Lane, S.W.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
You may refer a student by using the to share your concerns. If you submit the form online, you will have the option of remaining anonymous. You may also call the CARE Line at 404-270-4254.
Once we receive information from a concerned person, we may request additional information from that individual prior to contacting the student. When appropriate, a staff member will reach out to the student and invite them to meet. During the meeting, we typically provide the student with referrals and resources and offer additional follow-up.
Students exhibiting behaviors that may require further attention beyond resources and referrals may be discussed during a CARE Team meeting. The team may make additional recommendations that will be facilitated via contact with the student. Some behaviors may violate the Student Conduct Code, in which case the Student Conduct office will be notified, and their process followed in parallel with CARE Team interventions.
In extreme cases, students may be encouraged to withdraw from courses to focus on addressing their problems. It is the goal of the CARE Team to act out of care and concern with prevention in mind. The primary goal is to get students connected with resources and referrals before they start exhibiting signs of severe distress.