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Strategic Plan Goal 1

Continue To Evolve Curriculum, Research, Pedagogy And Modality

Strategic Plan Goal One

Elevate and expand Spelman’s stellar academic learning environment.

  • Utilize integrative tools for course planning and implementation to enhance student success.
  • Craft a holistic student success pathway that fosters an integrated curricular and co-curricular experience, promoting a strong start and strong finish in the undergraduate program.
  • Create new local and global partnerships to foster civic participation, social responsibility, and global mindsets.
  • Promote faculty success through targeted support and resources.
  • Pursue teaching and scholarship in targeted areas to advance the outcomes of women, and black women in particular, in political, economic, social, and cultural spheres.

Strategic Plan Goal 2

Expand Student Access

  • Strategic Plan Goal ThreeIncrease college affordability by increasing scholarships and alternative revenue.

  • Explore the possibility of planned growth.

Strategic Plan Goal 3

Modernize and Expand Infrastructure

  • Strategic Plan Goal FourInstall next-generation information technology infrastructure and technology solutions.

  • Enhance physical plant to support student success and recruitment/retention of an excellent workforce.

  • Explore an expanded footprint in Atlanta to support strategic priorities and strengthen our presence in economic development of the community.

Strategic Plan Goal 4

Invest in People, Processes and Culture Change

  • Strategic Plan Goal TwoElevate and expand Spelman’s stellar academic learning environment.

  • Create and transform policies and processes to increase capacity, responsiveness, adaptability, and innovation. Make Spelman a great place to work.