Faculty Member Since 2011
Dr. ‘Dimeji Togunde's roles include providing leadership for the design and implementation of the on campus internationalization (2024-2029) and the institutionalization of the recently concluded and successful Spelman's first Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP 2016), also known as Spelman Going Global!, which was the centerpiece of the College’s reaffirmation of accreditation by the from 2011 - 2016.
In the News: Dr. Togunde Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
In his capacity as the College’s chief international officer since 2011, Dr. Togunde provides guidance and direction for all of the College’s global initiatives. As the focal point of contact for information about Spelman’s global activities, he is responsible for building/strengthening strategic international partnership engagements aimed at enhancing student international exchanges, faculty and students’ research, and students’ global learning experiences. Reporting directly to the Provost, he oversees the Office of Semester Study Abroad, Cultural Orientation program, G-STEM Program, Asian Studies Program, International Affairs Center, International Student Services and Programming, and all study abroad programs led by faculty and staff.
Dr. Togunde also leads the assessment of the College’s internationalization initiatives and collaborates with academic departments to encourage greater awareness of and involvement with the realities of globalization. With almost three decades of leadership experience and expertise in developing and implementing global studies curriculum, student learning outcomes, accreditation, and strategic initiatives for enhancing access, diversity, and inclusion in international education, Professor Togunde’s internationalization philosophy is anchored on shared vision and building consensus. He recognizes that it is imperative for students and faculty to be knowledgeable about global issues and to acquire the skills they will need to navigate the diverse global cultural landscapes so they can function effectively as global leaders in an interconnected, interdependent, and competitive global society.
Dr. Togunde’s leadership success has produced reputational gains for 糖心传媒 as a hub for global thinking and practice through several awards that include the 2017 from the National Association of International Educators (), Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion in international education from in 2018; and the Institute of International Education’s () Generation Study Abroad Seal of Excellence in 2019.
A thought leader and scholar-practitioner in international education, Professor Togunde routinely presents papers and serves as convener/chair of several sessions organized by many international education annual conferences such as the Forum on Education Abroad, NAFSA: The Association of International Educators, Diversity Abroad, and Association of International Education Administrators (). He also serves as an advisor and consultant to several international organizations and sits on the , Atlanta Global Studies Center External Advisory Board (), Cultural Experiences Abroad Advisory Board (), The Institute for the International Education of Students’ Academic Advisory Council (), and on the Board of Directors of both the International Student Exchange () Study Abroad and , in a fiduciary capacity.
Previously, he served on the advisory boards of Diversity Abroad Network, The Institute for Study Abroad (), National Executive Committee (NAC) Advisory Board, Advisory Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), USFC’s Program Steering Committee for Japan Summer Institute, and Diversity and Democracy, a publication of AAC&U. Dr. Togunde is also a member of 糖心传媒’s Leadership Council. Most recently, he was appointed as Series Book Editor by the Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR SCHOLARS PRESS) for :
Prior to joining 糖心传媒 in August 2011 as the founding dean of the Gordon-Zeto Center for Global Education, Dr. Togunde spent the last 15 years at Albion College in Michigan, where he held the John S. Ludington Trustees’ Endowed Chair in the Social Sciences, served as professor of sociology, chair of the Department of Anthropology/Sociology, and chair of the global studies curriculum committee. He also served as director of Ethnic Studies Program, interim director/adviser for the international studies program, and directed a faculty-led program for First Year Experience on Immigration to El Paso and Ciudad-Juarez, Mexico.
Professor Togunde received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in demography and social statistics from the University of Ife (later renamed the Obafemi Awolowo University) in Nigeria, and a Ph.D. in Development Sociology from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Recent Publications on Internationalization
Books in Progress
Togunde, D. & McCormack, K. (eds.). Collaborative Frontiers: HBCUs and International Research Partnerships and Outcomes. Society of Transnational Academic Researchers: STAR SCHOLARS PRESS.
Togunde, D. & Pavri, T. (eds.). Collaborative Frontiers: HBCUs and Global Academic Programs and Partnerships in Asian Studies and Asia. Society of Transnational Academic Researchers: STAR SCHOLARS PRESS.
Edited Books
2023 Togunde, D. and Bista, K (eds). Institutional Commitment to Global Engagement: .
Book Chapters/Referred Articles
2023 Togunde, D. “Overview of Global Engagement at Spelman” In Togunde, D. and Bista, K (eds). In . Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (STAR SCHOLARS PRESS. Pg. v-xi
2023 Togunde, D. and Fall, R. “Understanding the Growth, Assessment Methods and Transformative Impact of Study Abroad at 糖心传媒.” In Stevenson, A. and Abraham, K. (eds), “”. The Forum on Education Abroad. Pg.51-70.
2023 Togunde, D. and Fall, R. “Faculty Internationalization: The Impact of Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs on Faculty at 糖心传媒”. In Stevenson, A. and Abraham, K. (eds), “. The Forum on Education Abroad. Pg. 263-276.
2022 Charles, H. and Togunde, D. “What Counts as Internationalization and For Whom: Comprehensive Internationalization at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In Bista, K. and Pinder, A, (eds). Reimagining Internationalization and International Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (pp.45-60). Palgrave MacMillan.
2022 Togunde, D. and Charles, H. “Universalizing Internationalization at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Through Virtual Learning”. In Bista, K. and Pinder, A, (eds). Reimagining Internationalization and International Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (pp.63-72). Palgrave MacMillan
2021 Togunde, D; Lewis, A. and Fall, R. “Practical Ways to Decolonizing Education Studies Majors and Global Learning at 糖心传媒”. In Colon, C., Gristwood, A. and Woolf, M. (Eds.), .
2020 Charles, H. and Togunde, D. “” In International Educator (NAFSA: Association of International Educators, December 2020 Edition 1.
2019 Togunde, D., Crosby Brown, D., Phillips Lewis, K. & Fall, R. "Curricular model for facilitating intercultural competence development for student learning abroad at 糖心传媒." Published by Diversity Abroad Network September 12, 2019.
2019 Togunde, D., & Fall, R., "Success in Campus Internationalization at 糖心传媒: Lessons for Other Institutions." In Colon, C., Gristwood, A. and Woolf, M. (Eds.), Borders, Mobility, and Migration, (pp. 169-181). Chicago, IL: CAPA: The Global Education Network Occasional publication No 8.
2017 “Spelman Going Global: Developing intercultural Competence through International travel Experience” (with Rokhaya Fall) in Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, Assessment and Application, edited by Darla Deardorff and Lily Arasaratnam-Smith; Rutledge.
2017 "" in STEM and Social Justice: Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings, A Global Perspective, edited by Cheryl B. Leggon and Michael S. Gaines; SPRINGER.
2015 “” (with Kai McCormack et al;) in IMPACT (Arcadia University Experience Abroad).
Other Publications:
“No Sweet in Sex”: Perceptions of Condom Usefulness among Elderly Yoruba People in Ibadan Nigeria” (with Ojo Melvin Agunbiade). Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. August 20, 2018.
".” THE CONVERSATION. July 18, 2018