Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment. The Udall scholarship honors the legacies of Morris Udall and Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources.
The application process consists of online submissions to the Udall site. The online application is available the first week of September, and access must be granted by your campus representative.
** Please be advised that Udall recipients MUST attend the Scholar Orientation, a five-day conference held each August in Tucson, Arizona. Failure to attend will result in revocation of the award. ** NO EXCEPTIONS
How to Apply
Complete the Domestic Prestigious Opportunities Pre-Application Form. Once completed and your eligibility is confirmed, you will be granted access to the Udall application portal and receive a unique link to your shared drive folder to upload all your application materials for the internal process. You are encouraged to work with a Faculty Mentor as you prepare your application.
- A complete application packet includes:
- PDF of online application
- Udall essay
- A PDF copy of an unofficial transcript
- A resume
- A head shot
- The full application is due the second Friday in January by 5 p.m. EST. Save your application from the Udall dashboard as a PDF and upload it to your shared drive folder.
- The Spelman Review Committee will review all applicants and select the most qualified for an internal interview scheduled for the last week of January.
- Three letters of recommendation are required. Recommenders will receive a unique link to upload their recommendation letter to your application file. Recommendation letters are due on the second Friday of January.
- Please note that we may submit up to eight applications. Four candidates can be applicants whose careers will benefit the environment and four candidates can be applicants whose careers will benefit Indian country (the tribal policy and Native health care categories).
All Prestigious Fellowship & Scholarship Opportunities