Harry S. Truman Scholarship
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation supports the graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to public service leadership. Applicants should demonstrate an extensive record of campus and community service, a high probability of becoming a "change agent," and a strong academic record. The opportunity is open to students with junior-level academic standing or senior-level standing in their third year of college enrollment.
How to Apply
Complete the Domestic Prestigious Opportunities Pre-Application Form. Once completed and your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive an email from Truman with instructions for completing your application on their dashboard. We will send you a unique link to your shared drive folder to upload all your application materials for the internal process. You are encouraged to work with a Faculty Mentor during the application process.
Your internal application will include:
- A PDF of your full application from the Truman dashboard.
- A PDF copy of an unofficial transcript.
- Current resume and headshot.
- Your complete internal application is due the third Monday in October by 5 p.m. EDT. You will upload all materials to your shared drive folder.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation (one for each criteria listed below). Identify three individuals (faculty/staff/former supervisor) who can address one of the selection criteria, but it is acceptable for a letter to discuss more than one criteria.
- Leadership Abilities and Potential
- Commitment to a Career in Public Service
- Intellect and Prospects for Continuing Academic Success
- Recommenders will receive a unique link to upload their recommendation letter to your application file. Recommendation letters are due on the third Monday in October.
- Interviews are scheduled for the beginning of November.
Spelman Truman Scholars (PDF)
All Prestigious Fellowship & Scholarship Opportunities