Daniya Edmond

Spelman Students Around the World


Daniya EdmondEconomics major Daniya Edmond, C’2025, traveled outside the U.S. for the first time this past summer through a study abroad opportunity in Fiji.

For her, the most challenging part of her experience was her journey there. From lost luggage to canceled flights, Edmond navigated a host of obstacles to her destination. Through all the chaos, Edmond said Fiji taught her invaluable lessons about life, culture and herself.

“While in Fiji the main lesson we learned about was appreciating ‘the unknown’ and embracing what we do not know. Rather than trying to control and change what we don’t understand, we must trust that everything will work out,” said Edmond. “As I transitioned from the chaos of traveling alone to the peaceful Fijian coastline, I realized that my approach to the unknown was beginning to change.”

Daniya Edmond RainbowEdmond said her favorite moments in Fiji were learning and performing original Fijian songs and participating in group painting sessions with her peers. While visiting a traditional Fijian village with her travel group, she immersed herself in Fijian culture and learned many lessons from playing with children, eating delicious traditional foods prepared by women in the community, and gazing upon a rainbow that appeared over the village.

“My experience in Fiji was nothing short of amazing. The people, culture, hospitality and breathtaking scenery shifted my outlook on life. The Fijian way of life taught me to let things flow, embrace what we don't understand and to be grateful for the everyday things we often take for granted,” said Edmond. “With my newfound mindset, I welcome whatever lies ahead after graduation, trusting that I will end up exactly where I need to be.”