Cheyanne Harris

Spelman Students Around the World

Oaxaca, Mexico

Cheyanne HarrisCheyanne Harris, C’2025, a sociology and anthropology double major with a minor in Spanish, participated in the School for International Training (SIT) abroad program in Mexico this past spring. The program, which began in Arizona and continued in Mexico, focused on migration, borders and international communities.

During her time abroad, Cheyanne gained a deeper understanding of international human rights and the collaborative efforts of various institutions to protect them. Her journey in Oaxaca fueled her motivation to pursue a career in advocating for international human rights, with a focus on asylum policy or legal advocacy.

“My travel abroad experience represented a pivotal stage between childhood and adulthood. I stayed with a wonderful host family and was looked after while also realizing the width of the world, where I fit it, and how I want to change it,” said Harris, who is originally from Chesapeake, Virginia. “As I continue my scholarly endeavors, I hope to keep in the back of my mind the lessons I learned in Mexico. I also want to maintain my Spanish, and work in fields that will allow me to use it to help others.”

Harris appreciated the slower pace of life in Mexico, which contrasted with the fast-paced, productivity-focused lifestyle in the U.S. While in Mexico, she formed close relationships with her fellow students, language exchange partners at the local university, and the women at GESMujer, the feminist organization where she interned. Her internship provided valuable insights into the administrative tasks of running a nonprofit and the experience of working in a radically loving environment. 

Harris’s time in the SIT travel abroad program in Mexico profoundly impacted her perspective on international human rights advocacy. While immersing herself in the study of migration, borders and international communities, she gained a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in protecting human rights on a global scale.