Anayla McClendon

Spelman Students Around the World

Tokyo, Japan

Anaya McClendonAnayla McClendon, C’2025, an English major with a Japanese study minor, has always been captivated by Japanese culture.

She selected her minor with the intention of studying abroad and experiencing life in Japan one day. While the prospect of living in a foreign country without her family was intimidating at first, her fears were dispelled the moment she landed at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. The city quickly became her second home.

“Studying abroad at Tsuda University has been a foundational moment in my young adulthood,” said McClendon. “I have truly come to think of Tokyo as a second home, and I am in the process of making plans to move back after graduation."

The Pennsylvania and Georgia native immersed herself in the vibrant local culture, enjoying everything from vegan restaurants in Ikebukuro to the unique fashion scene in Harajuku. She even experienced the thrill of peddling swan boats in Koenji and the unsettling tremors of earthquakes in Kyoto. According to McClendon, each of these experiences played a crucial role in shaping her early adulthood.

Her story is one of transformative growth, adventure and a deep love for a country that welcomed her with open arms.

“I can firmly say that studying abroad as an exchange student at Tsuda University affirmed to me that I would like to pursue a career in Asia and live in Japan long-term,” said McClendon.