
Zayd Zori

Domestic Exchange Student Reflections

The New School

Zayd ZoriI am extremely thankful that I had the chance to return to New York for the spring semester! When I left the Big Apple and returned to Atlanta for Christmas, I felt as if I were leaving my home - rightfully so.

Being here at the New School, I have met so many wonderfully interesting people, like my good friends Suzanne, who’s from Tennessee and interns at a fashion company dedicated to self-love, and Anisa, a young girl from Oman who dreams of designing world-famous interactive installation art pieces. Surrounding myself with people such as this, I have not only grown to be more passionate about my interests, but I have learned ways to implement this passion in a way that will leave a lasting mark on the people I encounter.

With the addition of the knowledge I’m gaining from my coursework, I know this new and impassioned drive will take me to amazing places! As I continue my stay here in the Concrete Jungle, I hope to grow even more as a person and a student.