
Nicole Johnson

Domestic Exchange Student Reflections

Mills College

Nicole JohnsonToday is the first day of classes. In the couple of days since I arrived, the following things have occurred:

My roommate moved out so I have a huge double room all to myself.
I am making friends in the residence hall and around campus.
I fell in love with the campus. It is gorgeous and there are so many nice places where one can sit and enjoy just being outside.
All of my teachers seemed nice today.
I am really excited about my anthropology class and my psychology class.

So far, I think I made the right choice by participating in the domestic exchange program.

I called Dean Neely and Ms. Washington at Spelman today. I had to tell how thankful I am for this opportunity. I have not been here long and already I am realizing how great this decision has been. Honestly, I chose the school based on its location since I have always desired to visit California.

Some may ask, why California? Well, I am not sure. There has just always been something inside me saying, "GO!" Selecting Mills College as my adopted institution was, by far, the best decision I could have made. I thought I would thrive at University of California, Berkeley or even Stanford, but Mills has been a great fit for me.

Being on the West Coast is so different. The school structure is the same, but the professors are so relaxed. They prefer for students to refer to them by their first names, and it is so liberal here. In fact, it is far from anything I have ever experienced. It is also very beautiful. Mills is very accepting and accommodating of their students' needs. They have residence halls for people who need service animals, as well as those who need emotional support animals. They also provide housing for students with small families, and there is a children’s school on campus.

I miss Spelman and my friends, but I can honestly say this was a great choice and an amazing opportunity for me. I can really feel myself changing, becoming academically stronger and culturally well rounded. This is a GREAT PROGRAM!