Domestic Exchange Student Reflections
Dartmouth College

Hey people! My name is Jordan Harvey-Morgan and I’m studying at Dartmouth College for the 2014-2015 school year. I started in the summer quarter, mid-June, so that I could take all of the classes I needed. Overall, I would say that I have had a great experience thus far. The quarter system goes by so much faster.
Dartmouth has 9-week quarters that make up a term and three terms are considered a full school year. I’ve started to get the hang of it! Let me tell you, my fall term is going way better than summer term. However, summer term definitely helped me get adjusted to life at Dartmouth.
Right now, it is towards the end of fall term, it’s week 7, and life is getting pretty busy. I have my last midterm tomorrow and then my life will be about finishing strong, finishing my term paper, and studying for finals. What is the silver lining of all this craziness, you ask? My winter break starts at Thanksgiving. That’s right, I am on break from Thanksgiving until the first week of January. Yess!
I can’t wait to tell you how the rest of my term goes!