
Destiny Rice

Domestic Exchange Student Reflections

The New School

Destiny Rice - The New SchoolBeing at The New School is very much a different experience from being at 糖心传媒. I find that the teaching style and classroom environments are more modern and open to negotiation. This is a good and bad thing. I will say that there is something consistent and comfortable about the traditional style teachings of Spelman. You almost always know what to expect from a teacher from the moment you walk in, but at The New School any and everything is open to change. This can be a good thing when the change benefits you, but a bad thing when majority rules against you. But fortunately, this type of learning environment at The New School does not scare me because it is what I am used to.

I am at “home” literally and figuratively seeing as how I grew up in New York City, which is where The New School is located for those of you reading that didn’t know. Needless to say, I am comfortable here. I almost feel bad for being so comfortable. I hear some of my other Spelman sisters who are on domestic exchange in various states are/were having a tough time getting adjusted to a predominately white educational setting and feel as though they are alone. Some have expressed that it is hard to make friends, and some have mentioned that they find their non-black classmates a little insensitive when it comes to comments about race. My love and support goes out to them or you, if you are one of my exchange sisters. I am definitely understanding and sympathetic.

On the other hand, my experience is a lot different. Because I came back home, I never have to feel completely alone because I am living at home with mom, dad, sister and grandma and am surrounded by cousins, aunts and uncles as well as friends with whom I grew up. So that support is here for me, whereas it may not be for some of my peers. I want to take the time out to commend those who have completely stepped out of their comfort zone and went off to a school in a state they have never been to before. I would also like to leave with a word of advice to any and everybody that is currently participating in a domestic exchange or may decide to do so in the future… don’t allow the experience to frustrate you, and don’t blame others for not having as much racial awareness as you may have. Simply educate them and speak your mind. You may be different from everybody around you, but that’s what makes you unique. XOXO until we meet again Spelman.