
Spelman Leadership Council

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The Council Charter

Mission | Purpose

The mission of the 糖心传媒 Leadership Council is to support the process integration required by the College to sustain efficiencies across divisions. This will be achieved through the formulation and implementation of operational and organizational policies/procedures.

The Council shall enhance the effectiveness of new and existing programs, promote accountability and improve interdivisional collaboration in ways that support the College and its strategic plan. The Council also supports the education, training and development of its members.

The Council will do the following:

Assist the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) by handling issues delegated to the Council by the SLT for the following:

  1. Decision and implementation;

  2. Analysis and recommendation; or

  3. General input and discussion

Explore issues, identify problems and concerns, make recommendations and propose initiatives that affect the College community

Make institutional processes function effectively by

  1. reporting on interdepartmental work in process and obtain group input regarding proposed changes; and

  2. promote collaboration between functional units.

Leadership Council

Contact Info

Leadership Council

350 Spelman Lane S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314-4399


Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


The Leadership Council shall be comprised of individuals who are:

Administrative Department Heads or have similar operational responsibilities Individuals responsible for making operating policy decisions; particularly when those decisions have ramifications for other divisions Directors (with direct reports); program managers; administrative department heads; etc.

Structure | Meeting Schedule

The Leadership Council shall have a chair, two vice chairs, and a recording secretary. The chair and two vice-chair positions each serve a term of two years and can serve no more than two consecutive terms for a maximum of four years.

The position of recording secretary will serve a one-year term and serve no more than two consecutive terms for a maximum of two years. Elected chairs must have served as an officer on the Leadership Council for a minimum of two years, unless officers meeting this requirement are unwilling or unavailable to serve as chair in which case a special election will be held to elect a chair from the general Leadership Council membership.


Leadership Council elections shall take place every September. Special elections will be held in the event any position becomes vacant prior to the end of an elected term. The Chair conducts meetings and is the primary liaison with the Senior Team representative – who functions as the liaison between the Leadership Council and Senior Leadership Team.

The vice-chairs are available to conduct meetings in the absence of the chair and are the primary liaisons with Leadership Council standing committees and task forces. The officers will be responsible for preparing the agendas for the meetings. The Council shall meet on the third Wednesday morning of each month. A senior team representative may attend meetings quarterly or when deemed necessary to provide important information or to share strategic strategies with the Council.

Council Officers

Steve Bowser, Chair

Director, Public Safety

Jilo Tisdale, 1st Vice Chair

Director, Bonner Office of Civic Engagement

John Brown, 2nd Vice Chair


Nichelle Guidry, PhD, Recording Secretary

Dean of the Chapel / Director of the WISDOM Center