
Kathleen Phillips Lewis

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What Makes You Spelman Strong?

Spelman is as multifaceted as the women who have walked her halls. Our daughters, our sisters, our friends — they all come here with hopes and dreams and leave prepared to make their mark upon the world.

Spelman Strong is the way we come together to make that happen. This fund is the lifeblood of Spelman’s financial stability, expansion and longevity. It directly influences every facet of a Spelmanite’s experience, from providing her with access to the best faculty talent to creating a campus of which she can be proud. With your annual Spelman Strong donation, Spelman’s legacy will resound for generations to come.

So, let us know so we can share it with the world. What makes you Spelman Strong?

Kathleen Phillips Lewis, Ph.D., Division Chair for the Humanities, shares what makes her Spelman Strong:

kathleen-phillips-lewisI am Spelman Strong because I stand on the stories and the shoulders of so many sisters of substance whose sight, and insight, scholarship, leadership, and mentorship have formed a solid foundation upon which I can feel anchored, protected, and encouraged as I seek to mirror those stellar standards of excellence that Spelman upholds.

Spelman has created for me and all those who enter these walls in whatever capacity, a sanctuary, a safe and nurturing space where I can be my authentic self, explore the full scope of my amazing possibilities, feel supported by like-minded scholars and teachers, sister sojourners in the stratosphere, as together we nurture the young minds of our sister students.

To be party to the fashioning of fledgling minds, and then to witness their growth from fledglings to falcons in full flight makes it all worthwhile and makes me Spelman Strong.