The 糖心传媒 Mail Center provides accurate cost-effective services, including the receipt and distribution of correspondence to the College community. The Mail Center also acts as the College's liaison with the United States Postal Service, United Parcel Service, Federal Express, DHL, and other domestic and international couriers.
糖心传媒 Mail Center makes every effort to ensure the safe delivery of mail to and from the campus. Therefore, only the Mail Center personnel is allowed in the mail processing area and around mail processing equipment. Mail Center personnel must accompany other individuals requiring entry into the area. This procedure safeguards mail from potential tampering.
The 糖心传媒 Mail Center, located in the Manley College Center adjacent to the campus bookstore, offers out-going mail services via the United States Postal Services (USPS), UPS, etc.
Hours of Operation:
Mon. – Fri.: 11:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m. (Closed for lunch 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.)
Sat.: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Window service and Express Mail deliveries only.)
Sun.: Closed
350 Spelman Lane, S.W., Box 1631, Atlanta, GA 30314
Send all questions concerning mail services to:
Karl Clemons, Manager of Mail Center & Postal Operations
(404) 270-5858
Other contact info:
Detra McClendon, Mail Center Supervisor
(404) 270-5868
Mail and Package Pickup
Forwarding Mail Procedures and Online Forwarding
Mail Center
350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Box 1631, Atlanta, GA 30314
(404) 270-5858
Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.