
Spanish Minor

Earn a Minor in Spanish

A Spanish minor is a combination of literary, linguistic and cultural coursework. This minor will prepare students for professional careers in writing, international relations, interpretation, translation, business development management, journalism, social work, advertisement, customer support, education, hospitality, healthcare, and more.

A Spanish minor at Spelman requires five courses above the 202 level for 20 credits.

Spanish Minor Brochure (PDF)

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World Languages and Cultures

350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314


Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Spanish Minor

Core Required Courses (ALL REQUIRED)

  • SPA 303 Conversation
  • SPA 306 Advanced Grammar and Composition
  • SPA 308 Intro to Literary and Cultural Studies

Minor Required Classes (CHOOSE TWO)

  • SPA 351 Intellectual Traditions of Women
  • SPA 352 National and Traditional Identities
  • SPA 353 Linguistics, Professional, Cultural, and Artistic Expressions
  • SPA 354 Dynamic Relations of Political Power

Thematic Areas

  • 351/451 | Intellectual Traditions of Women: Representation, Voices, Silence, Collective Memory, Oral Traditions, Femininities and Queer Identities
  • 352/452 | National and Transnational Identities: Migration; Negrismo, Indigenismo, Indianismo; Negritude, Créolité, Négritude, Antillanité; (Neo) Colonialism; Diasporas and Latinx
  • 353/453 | Linguistics, Professional, Cultural, and Artistic Expressions: Visual Arts, Film, Music, Museum, Cartography, News, Mass Media and Social Media
  • 354/454 | Dynamic Relations of Political Power: Imperialism, Dictatorships, (Neo)Colonialism, Democracies and Civic Society (Social Movements, NGOs)

Department Objectives

Upon completion of the prescribed spanish minor program, a student will be able to . . .

  1. Gain familiarity with the literature, landscape, and culture of the Hispanic world
  2. Develop a natural fluency in both the written and spoken Spanish language
  3. To read, write, and translate in Spanish

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