The Comprehensive Exam is required of all graduating French majors, who are also required to register for French 485--Senior Comprehensive (1 credit)--during the Fall semester of their graduating year. This course is team-taught by faculty of the French section of the Department of Foreign Languages, and usually given on every other Thursday for two hours from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Graduating seniors with a major in French who are studying abroad during Fall semester are still required to register for French 485, but will have to consult with the professors who have conducted the Fall tutorials when they return to Spelman. The coordinators have a list of the professors' names.
A reading list of 10 major works is prepared for graduating majors in French, and sent to their home addresses over the summer before their senior year.
World Languages and Cultures
350 Spelman Lane, S.W.
Atlanta, GA. 30314
Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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