
Sociology and Anthropology Majors

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Sociology and Anthropology

Majors in sociology and sociology and anthropology are part of the B.A. degree program at 糖心传媒. Both the major in sociology and the major in sociology and anthropology consist of 44 semester hours, 28 hours of which must be in major core courses.

For the major in sociology, the remaining 16 elective hours must be selected from sociology or anthropology courses offered in the department. The department chair must approve elective courses taken at other institutions (i.e. summer, study abroad, or domestic exchange).

The major in sociology and anthropology is awarded to students who complete the major core requirements, Anthropology 203, “Introduction to Anthropology,” and 16 elective hours of anthropology courses.

Sociology 203 (the course designated for majors) is required for both majors. "The Sociological Imagination: Introduction to Sociology" for majors is a prerequisite for all other courses in the department.

Note: Class of 2024 and Beyond

For Class of 2024 and beyond, we have implemented a curricular change. All major core requirements are the same except for students must take both SOC334 Multivariate Analysis and SOC335 Survey of Research Methods instead of the Suite of Methods options (see Class of 2024 and Beyond sections).

Contact Info

Sociology and Anthropology

350 Spelman Lane, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314


Mon. - Fri. | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Sociology Major Required Courses - Class of 2020-23

  • SOC 203: The Sociological Imagination: Introduction to Sociology for Majors (majors must enroll in the course designated for majors)
  • SOC 204: The History of Social Thought
  • SOC 334: Multivariate Analysis (juniors only)
  • Choose from Suite of Methods Courses: SSOC335 Survey of Research Methods, SANT316 Feminist
    Ethnography, SANT375 Food in/and the City, SSOC360 Applied Geographic Information Systems)***
  • SANT 336: Ethnographic Methods (juniors only)
  • SOC 422: Contemporary Social Theory (juniors and seniors)
  • SOC 432: Sociology Thesis

Sociology Major Required Courses - Class of 2024 and Beyond

Curriculum Guide
Course Year Semester Offered Credit Hours
SSOC 203 The Sociological Imagination* Sophomore Fall 4
SSOC 204 History of Social Thought Sophomore Fall / Spring 4
SSOC 335 Survey of Research Methods Sophomore/Junior Fall / Spring 4
SSOC 334 Multivariate Analysis** Junior Spring 4
SANT 336 Ethnographic Methods Junior Fall / Spring 4
SSOC 422 Contemporary Social Theory Junior Fall / Spring 4
SSOC 432 Sociology Senior Thesis Senior Fall / Spring 4
16 hours of Electives (300 or above), (12 must be SSOC; 4 can be SSOC or SANT) 16
Total Credit Hours 44

Sociology and Anthropology Major Required Courses - Class of 2023

  • SOC 203: The Sociological Imagination: Introduction to Sociology for Majors (majors must enroll in the course designated for majors)
  • SANT203: Introduction to Anthropology
  • SOC 204: The History of Social Thought
  • Choose from Suite of Methods Courses: SSOC335 Survey of Research Methods, SSOC334 Multivariate Analysis, SANT316 Feminist Ethnography, SANT375 Food in/and the City, SSOC360 Applied Geographic Information Systems)
  • SANT 336: Ethnographic Methods (juniors only)
  • SANT320 Anthropological Theory (juniors and seniors)
  • ANTH 432: Anthropology Thesis (seniors only; all required major courses must be completed prior to enrollment)

Sociology and Anthropology Major Required Courses - Class of 2024 and Beyond

Curriculum Guide
Course Year Semester Offered Credit Hours
SSOC 203 The Sociological Imagination* Sophomore Fall 4
SANT 203 Intro to Anthropology Sophomore Fall/Spring 4
SSOC 204 History of Social Thought Sophomore Fall/Spring 4
SSOC 335 Survey of Research Methods Sophomore/ Junior Fall/Spring 4
SSOC 334 Multivariate Analysis Junior Spring 4
SANT 336 Ethnographic Methods Junior Fall/Spring 4
SANT 320 Anthropological Theory Junior/Senior Fall 4
ANTH 433 Anthropology Senior Thesis Senior Fall/Spring 4
12 hours of Electives (300 or above), (4 can be SSOC) 12
Total Credit Hours 44

Tracks and Concentrations

Fields of Study

Additionally, the department has developed tracks/concentrations such as: Sociology Major with a Public Health Minor, Sociology and Anthropology with a Public Health Minor, Sociology major with a concentration in Pre-Medicine, and Sociology major with a concentration in Pre-Law/Criminology. Focus areas within the department are offered as preparation for graduate school or professional careers or both. Focused electives consist of courses chosen from the following areas:

  • Anthropology for students interested in pursuing careers in anthropology.
  • Theory and methods for those interested in careers in sociology and related areas (i.e. information studies, public administration, race, ethnic and gender research, social work and its subfields, etc.).
  • Prelaw and criminology for students who want to develop social, historical and theoretical understandings of law, crime and deviance or who anticipate careers in some other aspect of law and/or criminal justice.
  • The sociology of health for students interested in advanced degrees in sociology or public health.

Class of 2020-23 Course Sequences
Sociology/Public Health (2020) (PDF)
Sociology/Pre-Law (2020) (PDF)
Sociology/Pre-Med (2020) (PDF)

Class of 2024+ Course Sequences
Sociology/Public Health (2024) (PDF)
Sociology/Pre-Law (2024) (PDF)
Sociology/Pre-Med (2024) (PDF)

***Note: Students planning to attend graduate school and/or law, medical or graduate programs in public health and social work must complete Survey of Research Methods and Multivariate Analysis, as well as Ethnographic Methods.

Elective Courses

Sociology Electives

  • SSOC 202 Social Problems
  • SSOC 230 Poverty and Social Justice
  • SSOC 275 Introduction to Criminology
  • SSOC 291 Race, Class, and Gender
  • SSOC 301 Violence against Women
  • SSOC 304 Sociology of Religion
  • SSOC 345 Race and Gender in Higher Education
  • SSOC 352 Urban Sociology
  • SSOC 402 Sociology of Health
  • SSOC 405 Women, Values, and the Law
  • SSOC 407 Comparative Race and Ethnicity
  • SSOC 408 Women, Values, and the Law
  • SSOC 410 Sociology of Addiction and Substance Abuse
  • SSOC 415 Sociology of Women
  • SSOC 430 Special Topics: Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
  • SSOC 435 Sociology Internship

Anthropology Electives

  • SANT 305 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
  • SANT309 Critical Feminist Geographies
  • SANT316 Feminist Ethnography
  • SANT350 Race and Identity in Latin America
  • SANT 344 Food and Culture
  • SANT 333 Ritual and Performance
  • SANT404 Anthropology of Globalization
  • SANT411 Afterlives of Black and Indigenous Dispossession
  • SANT450 Sexual Economies
  • SANT330 Special Topics: Gender, Transnationalism, and Human Rights
  • SANT230 Special Topics: Introduction to Medical Anthropology

Sociology Thesis or Anthropology Thesis

The senior thesis, an original and independent research project, is required of all seniors majoring in sociology or in sociology and anthropology. Designated faculty advisers and readers supervise the research projects. While majors may take Contemporary Social Theory or Anthropological Theory during the same semester that they are enrolled in thesis, all other major core courses must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in Senior Thesis. All majors must successfully complete SOC 432 or ANTH 432 to complete the major.

Sociology Internship

During their junior or senior year, majors are encouraged to enroll in the internship course (SOC 435). The internship provides students with practical experience by allowing them to work in metropolitan Atlanta area nonprofit, governmental, social service, or research institutions. Students are required to work at least 15 hours per week for an entire semester. In addition, students must complete weekly reports, an agency description, and a research paper and make a formal presentation as part of their course requirements. A faculty adviser makes a site visit during the semester. Students who successfully complete an internship will earn four hours of elective credit for the experience.


Upon completion of the prescribed program for a major in sociology or a major in sociology and anthropology, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge essential for understanding society and culture from sociological and anthropological perspectives on a global scale.
  • Identify and critically evaluate the contributions of female and Black sociologists, anthropologists, social scientists and scholars.
  • Identify and critically evaluate the social and historical forces and institutions that influence her life.
  • Pursue graduate study or careers in sociology, anthropology, law, medicine, public health, criminal justice, social work, and other fields in which social and cultural expertise is essential.
  • Apply the analytical and research methods analysis of sociology and anthropology to social issues and conflicts in preparation for participation as an agent of creative social change.

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