

Program Review Timetable-Approximate Dates

The academic program review procedures apply to all academic units and programs at 糖心传媒.

Review Cycle and Timeline

The first review for new academic programs (i.e., degrees/majors and minors) is typically required five years after implementation. The date for the first review is set at the time of initial program approval and implementation. After the initial five-year review, academic programs must complete a program review at least once every five to seven years.

Program review begins with the department completing a self-study report in the fall semester and hosting an onsite external review team in the subsequent spring semester*.

*Programs may opt for an earlier mid-year review commencing late spring of their cycle year with the onsite visit occurring the following fall. This should be approved by the Provost.

Fall Semester Self-Study. Programs beginning their review in the fall semester (September 1) participate in the external onsite review in the spring of the following year.

Note: All dates are approximate.

Fall and Spring Semester Self-Study Chart
Dates Program Information
Prior to start of the fall program review (i.e., Spring/Summer semester prior to fall start) The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) notifies programs of their upcoming review.
August - September Programs begin receiving common institutional data from the Office of Institutional Research (IR).
September 1st | Self-study begins Department Chairs meet with OIE for an initial orientation session.
Early September Department Chairs begin meetings with program faculty and initiate self-study process. Program review support sessions are offered by OIE (as needed).
October 15 The program submits external review team nominations—a list of 5-6 potential review members—to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The Provost then reviews the list and selects the final review team members.
Late October The Office of Institutional Effectiveness contacts selected external reviewers and works with the department to set a date for a spring semester onsite visit.
November 30th Program submits the self-study document (narrative and appendices) to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Before December 15th The Office of Institutional Effectiveness distributes the Self-Study document to the Provost and to the external review team.


February - March (spring semester following completion of the self-study)

Budget worksheet submission deadline. Two-day onsite campus visit by external review team occurs.
March 30th The External Review Team submits their final report and recommendations to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The report is then forwarded to the Provost and to the Department Chair for review.
April - May The program’s response to the external review team report is due in the Office of the Provost. Programs should send the final report to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE).
End May - early June Final Budgets Released
August (fall semester following program review start) Follow up Response, Strategic Planning, Implementation and Assessment Activities OIE works with the department to schedules a meeting with the Provost to discuss the external review findings and present their Program Review Response and Action Plan Report.
September/October The Provost meets with the department chair or program manager and faculty about recommendations and future planning.

Based on consensus made during the strategic planning meeting, the program establishes a plan to implement approved recommendations or other action steps.

The program review process includes a Three-Year Interim Report to assess progress since the last program review. It is an opportunity for programs to further reflect on the outcomes of the self-study process and continue to use the review findings as a foundation for ongoing, meaningful assessment that supports informed decision making, operational planning and budgeting.

Optional Spring Semester Start* Programs may opt to begin their review process in the spring semester (January) and host an external review team in the subsequent fall semester. This must be approved by the Provost.

Note: All dates are approximate.
Fall and Spring Semester Self-Study Chart
Dates Program Information
Prior to the start of the program review (i.e., Summer/fall semester prior to spring start) The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) notifies programs of their upcoming review.
October - November Programs begin receiving common institutional data from the Office of Institutional Research (IR).
November - January Department Chairs meet with OIE for an initial orientation session.

January - February

Self study begins

Department Chairs begin meetings with program faculty and initiate the self-study process. OIE offers program review support sessions (as needed).
March 15 The program submits external review team nominations — a list of 5-6 potential review members — to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The Provost then reviews the list and selects the final review team members.
Late March - early April The Office of Institutional Effectiveness contacts selected external reviewers and works with the department to schedule a fall semester onsite visit.
Mid-April – early May Program submits the self-study document (narrative and appendices) to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Late May The Office of Institutional Effectiveness distributes the Self-Study document to the Provost and to the external review team.
End of May - early June The final budget released for the upcoming year.
September/October (fall semester following completion of spring self-study) A two-day onsite campus visit by an external review team occurs.
October/November The External Review Team submits their final report and recommendations to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The report is then forwarded to the Provost and to the Department Chair for review.
November/early December The program’s response to the external review team report is due in the Office of the Provost. Programs should send the final report to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE).
January (following spring) Budget worksheet submission deadline.
February (spring semester following program review start) Follow-up Response, Strategic Planning, Implementation and Assessment Activities

OIE works with the department to schedule a meeting with the Provost to discuss the external review findings and present their Program Review Response and Action Plan Report.
Late March - April The Provost meets with the department chair or program manager and faculty about recommendations and future planning.
April - early May

Based on consensus made during the strategic planning meeting, the program establishes a plan to implement approved recommendations or other action steps.

The program review process includes a Three-Year Interim Report to assess progress since the last program review. It is an opportunity for programs to further reflect on the outcomes of the self-study process and continue to use the review findings as a foundation for ongoing, meaningful assessment that supports informed decision making, operational planning and budgeting.

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