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Bystander Intervention Strategies

Has there ever been a time when you felt, or even knew, something was wrong and wanted to help but didn’t? You’re not alone. This situation is more common than you might think and is known as the “bystander effect.” It is especially common in group settings, where everyone assumes someone else will do something or assumes that, since no one is doing anything, it is not a problem.

Below are the five steps to overcoming the bystander effect and doing something to make a difference in the life of a community member.

Notice the Event
Be aware of your surroundings and look out for your friends. Pay attention to situations that may easily escalate. What may start off as a disagreement may escalate into a physical altercation.

Interpret It as a Problem
Interpreting something as a problem is as simple as acknowledging a gut feeling that something is wrong.

Assume Personal Responsibility
Once you have recognized that there is a problem, regardless of how many other people are around, you have assumed no one else will help.

  • Direct – Directly address the issue. If we feel safe enough and comfortable enough, this could look like telling someone causing harm to stop what they’re doing. 
  • Delegate – Delegate someone else to help. This can be a helpful strategy if we do not feel safe or comfortable enough to address someone causing harm directly. 
  • Distract – Distract to discontinue harmful behavior. Pointing across the room and shouting, “Is that Beyonce?!” may cause enough of a distraction that that harmful behavior stops; creating an opportunity to get the person being harmed away from someone causing harm. 
  • Document – Taking photos and videos can be helpful to someone being harmed after they are safe. However, always ask the person who was harmed after the incident if they would like your documentation. Do not post, do not share, or upload to any platform without the consent of the person harmed. Being an active bystander means always giving someone a choice. 
  • Delay – Check in with the person who was harmed when it is safe. Ask them what they might need and how you can help them at the moment.

Bystander intervention strategies do not have to be complicated. The Title IX & Compliance office offers training to the Spelman community called Community Care 101 (Bystander Intervention). If your class, organization, or department would like to receive training about being an active bystander, please submit a form.