
Annia Rochester

Domestic Exchange Student Reflections

Duke University

Annia Rochester - Duke UniversityAttending Duke brought many academic challenges, but I was proud to hold my own in this new environment. Having the opportunity to take classes such as Immigrants in Exile, and French Current Affairs, enabled me to interact with students of different backgrounds. As I listened to speakers from the Migration Policy Institute and other activists I was able to continue serving as a social justice advocate while away from Spelman.

Between studying late into the night at Perkins Library, meeting friends for lunch at West Union, and taking in the exhibits at Duke’s Nasher Museum of Art, I realized Duke University had become like a second home. I love sitting outside with friends in the warm weather, and feeling as if I’m a part of the community. Even sitting in the Duke Gardens or on the quad is a great way to relax between classes.

I’m grateful to have met such wonderful people here, and know the opportunity to spend a semester at Duke University has given me friendships to last a lifetime.