
Diverse Leadership Certificate at eSpelman

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Diverse Leadership

Program Overview

Are you interested in a leadership certificate program that expands your skills to effectively lead diverse workplace teams? Employers are placing greater emphasis on managers who are able to motivate, engage and energize teams to innovate and produce successful results. Learn these sought-after skills in eSpelman's Diverse Leadership Certificate.

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ATTENTION GUILD LEARNERS! For those taking eSpelman courses through the Guild Network, please check your Guild Catalog for details about this certificate program as the courses and cost are different than what you'll see here.

This online certificate captures the elements of 糖心传媒’s signature African Diaspora & The World Program in a completely online format specifically for the adult learner. Our ADW faculty created this program to expand leadership skills from the lens of African Diaspora concepts for immediate impact on workplace interactions. African Diaspora concepts are derived within a global context and from interdisciplinary and gender-informed perspectives.

What You'll Learn

Our Diverse Leadership students will have a chance to:

  • Examine personal awareness and perceptions of identity, implicit biases, microaggressions, systemic, structural and strategic racism, classism, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age, intersectionality, ableism and their impact on workplace interactions
  • Investigate structural and systemic oppression, especially as it relates to privilege and power and its impact on current workplace interactions
  • Develop/discover strategies to improve workplace interactions
  • Identify and explain how communities of the African diaspora have shaped the modern world
  • Examine, interrogate and deconstruct dominant knowledge systems about Africa and its diasporas
  • High school diploma or equivalent



ATTENTION GUILD LEARNERS: Please check the Guild Catalog for your course requirements.

The Diverse Leadership Certificate consists of two eight-week courses for a total of six credit hours. There is one required course, and you choose from two electives for the second course. All courses are offered online only and are self-paced.


Course Type Credit Hours
Introduction to African Diaspora & The World  Required 3
Using ADW Concepts to Develop Workplace Leaders Elective 3
Women's Leadership-Exploring the Black Panther Party Elective 3



ATTENTION GUILD LEARNERS: Please check the Guild Catalog for your cost.

We are launching this eSpelman Certificate to the public at $1,800 per course. This deeply-discounted rate will only be available for a limited time.

You may also choose to take individual courses at the price of $750 per credit hour.


All courses in this certificate are online and self-paced. Learn in your own time and schedule from anywhere you choose!

Program Info

2025 Term Start Dates:
Term 1: Monday, Jan. 27
Term 2: Monday, Apr. 21
Term 3: Monday, Jul. 28
Term 4: Monday, Oct. 13
Time Commitment:
Approximately 6 Hours/Week
Program Duration:
Two 8-week courses
Total Number of College Credits:
Total Cost:

Spelman Faculty Course Developers

Francesina Jackson, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of the Teacher Education Department, U.S. Department of Education First in the World Project Principal Investigator, Director of the Student Success Program (retired in 2020)

Joan Foster McCarty
ADW Instructor

Pushpa Parekh, Ph.D.
ADW Program Director, Professor of English

Alix Pierre, Ph.D.
Director of Cultural Orientation, Lecturer of World Languages and Cultures, African Diaspora & The World

Request Information

We are excited to offer eSpelman certificates through Guild Education, which partners with leading U.S. employers to offer education and upskilling as an employee benefit.

Interested in learning more about eSpelman certificates and courses?

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